The World QPEDIA Encyclopedia visit to the Asir region: the first visit / Sarat Abidah Governorate Part 1

  • 2020-01-12 23:14:23
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  • 5836

The report of the visit of the delegation of the World QPEDIA Encyclopedia to Sarat  Abidah Governorate

3/12/1440 H


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia possesses what makes it an economic, scientific and cultural center of weight not only continentally  but globally, and it is racing against time towards achieving this goal and reaching the ranks of the major countries, and it realizes that it will only be able to achieve this goal through engaging and further civilizational, scientific and social openness to The world, while upholding its national values, its traditional heritage, its cultural environment, its historical depth and its civilizational characteristics, in a delicate equation that set Vision 2030 balancing its criteria.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a country of a continent size, has become close to achieving its goals. It has farewell to the consumption phase and has begun to enter the production stage. For nations to reserve space for them within the developed world, they must produce, and at the forefront of what they should produce are culture, knowledge and science. The knowledge industry is an essential pillar in the progress of societies, and the Global QPEDIA project falls into this framework that seeks in terms of supporting the national and Arabic content on the World Wide Web and the disengagement of dependency on the imported culture that separates us something from our historical depth and our cultural it aims to Arabize the content and support  The Arabic language component on the web pages, on the other hand, seeks to enrich knowledge of the treasures of local and Arab culture.

In the context of this, the World QPedia Encyclopedia is proceeding with an accelerated step towards the rediscovery of our homeland, documenting its history and civilization, codifying its culture and transferring it from the local to the global. His opinion is two things, the first thing is what he observed in terms of paper progress in all areas of economic and social life in the province, and the second thing is the availability of a cultural component and a cultural heritage of great importance and wealth that makes our responsibility greater in highlighting this through media platforms and cultural publications as well as through the ÷International QPedia Encyclopedia , which will work on documenting what should be documented and translated into English and French and presented to the esteemed cultural arena and readers to show it into existence.

The beginning of the tour was from the headquarters of Sarat  Abidah governorate, where the World QPedia team was received by the Governor: Mr. /  Mohammed bin Saeed bin Jazwa, who directed His Excellency the Provincial Governor, Mr. Muhammad bin Mansour Al-Qahtani, to follow the schedule of the encyclopedia visit.

He welcomed the Encyclopedia of QPedia and discussed the topic, its objectives and the mechanism of the encyclopedia, and extended its thanks to those in charge of this entity. Then the second station was in the Social Development Institution in the governorate, where the delegation was received by the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors, and during the meeting, the role of the institution and the projects that it is based on was reviewed, including the Tamkeen project through which it encourages the owners of initiatives from the community to implement their projects Private sector and its transfer into existence in cooperation with the private sector, has reached. The percentage of projects supported for individuals (35%), group projects (15%), and the capital cycle (115%)

After that, the delegation resumed its tour in various parts of the governorate, and a speech ceremony was held at the summit of the mountain of Zulum , in the Hospitality  of the municipality, where they are welcomed by the Deputy Governor Mr. / Mohamad Bin Mansour Alkahtany and thanked them for what they render to serve knowledge ,    highlighting The features and class A care that given to Sarat  Abidah governorate by our government , highlighting the  features as a tourist destination with its own character and distinct cultural and architectural style, and the concert paragraphs rolled.

The co-sponsors were then honored as follows:

  • Bin Daajam Steel Factory
  • Hussein Bin Moawda & Sons Company.
  • Dolphin Trading Group
  • Governorate media center
  • Al-Sunaidi Tours Company.
  • Abu- Rayyan Southern offices ِ.
  • The southern Makasheet Abu Rayyan

After that everyone had lunch under the hospitality of the governorate, then the delegation resumed its research tour, where it stood on the most prominent features of the governorate, its historical and geographical nature and its cultural and civilizational heritage, which we briefly present to readers in these few lines, and the reader can refer to the َQPedia encyclopedia for more details.




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